If dreamed you that you stammer, then your joy will be saddened by a sudden disease. If in a dream you hear how others stammer, then your enemies will gloat over, seeing that their intrigues cause you problems. The dream in which you meet the stammering person, means that you will be tried to be misled and will use your incompetence. If dreams you that your child began to stammer, then it is a warning of a complication of the relations in family, about need to adjust common language with children, that it is time to understand their problems, perhaps they hide something. To stammer from a fright - to unexpected news which a lot of things will change in your affairs. If in a dream in a conversation with the beloved you begin to stammer for nervousness, then in your environment there is a person who is necessary to you, but you underestimate yourself and cannot believe in his sympathy.
Look also: Meeting Man Conversation People Friend Concern Darling Lover Wave Uncle
Be sure and keep any other thoughts out of your mind before drifting to sleep as a cluttered mind can decrease the chances that you will remember your dreams upon waking. Also, focusing on remembering your dreams upon waking in the morning is another very important thing. This sounds very easy, but is often hard for some to do. Interpret a dream by "dictionary dream of interpretation"
When you very first wake up, simply think about your dreams. Don't allow your mind to drift off to other things, just lay there and think about the things you dreamt about the night before - dictionary dream meaning.